Aaron Mannion

Aaron Mannion lives in Melbourne and is a writer, editor and academic. His research interests include nineteenth-century and contemporary literature, ordinary language criticism, intimacy and exile. His creative work has been published in Wet Ink, The Sleepers Almanac and elsewhere.

Aaron Mannion Reviews An Anthology of Modern Irish Poetry

Reviewing a publication like Wes Davis’s An Anthology of Modern Irish Poetry feels like an act of hubris, a rash attempt to sum up an entire culture in a few pages. This problem stems, in part, from the collection’s strength: comprehensiveness. Davis gathers together fifty-three Irish poets of the post-World War II era, apportioning significant space for each in this almost one thousand-page book.

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Review Short: John Kinsella’s The Jaguar’s Dream

The Jaguar’s Dream is a collection of ‘cover’ poems by the celebrated, and prolific, John Kinsella. The poems covered by Kinsella all originate in languages other than English – gestating in mother tongues as diverse as Latin, French, German, Russian, Chinese and others, before fusing with Kinsella’s own ‘Wheatbelt Western Australian, mid-Ohioan, and Cantabrigian English.’ Cover, interestingly, is also a verb meaning to mate, particularly of a stallion to a mare: the poems are similarly interbreedings, by Kinsella (Western Australian English) out of Virgil (Augustan Latin).

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