4 Grzegorz Wróblewski Translations by Adam Zdrodowski and Ben Borek

By , and | 1 September 2024


Somewhere deep inside the crystal ball, in concrete
in the country of quartz, salt
someone felt an urge to pay me a visit.

When eventually he drops by, during an autumn
storm, it turns out he speaks no Danish whatsoever.
What’s more,
he doesn’t know Mongolian which I have no idea about

My guest looks like a big hairy
We sit in the kitchen for a few days. In silence
we eat cheese, chasing it with cannabis

Understanding without words is possible — the smoke
offers amorous solutions…
Our stash on the window sill
dwindles fast. Eventually the visitor
disappears for good.

The old people were right when they twisted
their lips funnily over my oak
The crystal ball, the groves… Yes, certainly
understanding without words is possible.

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