Image by Francisco Cañedo, courtesy of SinEmbargo
Mardonio Carballo (1974 —) is a Mexican poet, actor and journalist from Chicontepec, Veracruz. He writes in both Nahuatl and Spanish. His published works include Tlajpiajketl o la Canción del Maíz (2015), Las Horas Perdidas (2014), Las Plumas de la Serpiente (2013), Xolo (2012), Piloe, Canciones para Asustar (2012) and Xantolo (2010). In 2014 he curated the Festival Estruendo Multilingüe, an event underwritten by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He regularly collaborates with preeminent Mexican musicians, artists and journalists such as Eugenia León, Regina Orozco, Guita Shyftter, Jorge Fons, Salvador Aguirre and Carmen Aristegui.
HUITZ-THORN Take a thorn and hold me cut my neck once and for all paint the house with my blood cut off my legs polish the floor with sea salt open the windows and throw me out only then will I leave turned into a bird Icarus with palm-straw wings look up at the sky take a thorn and hold me …
HUITZTLIESPINA Xijkui ze uitzli xnech najnaua xi nech kechteki xi mo yolchicaua xij pa mo chan ika no ezo xij teki no mets xtlachpana mo chan ika achi puyekatl xij mo kajlapo xi nech kuatopeua xij chiua pampa na nij nekis ni mo kuepas ken ze piltotol Icaro petlatltatatzin xij tlachia kaajko xijkui ze uitzli xi mo najnaua …