Sithuraj Ponraj

Our home ocean | எங்கள் வீட்டுச் சமுத்திரம்

I had transmuted all my opinions into smooth stones in the fishtank in the living room. If the price is right, Lalitha said, we can buy an ocean. That Sunday, we both went to the shop that sells oceans. For …

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They painted / dyed the building at the junction, some crows caught in the paint / To this day, black crows remain, nuclear shadows post-explosion eruption of our defences / To this day, the black crows / Paints are just …

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3 | முதலைகளின் சுதந்திரம்

Crocodiles graze on the entrails of afternoons. Wearing his dentures Grandpa would walk down the street to the shops. In those places now they sell crocodiles in tents. Suddenly the wind might blow. The tents hold on to their sides, …

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