Lucina Kathmann

Destination Kurdistan

The Kurdish Center of International PEN, the worldwide association of writers, invited me, as an International Vice-president of PEN, to travel with a group of Kurdish writers on a one-week bus trip through Kurdistan in March, 2005. Nestled in the …

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The Woman Who Knows Latin (Inglés)

Women writers in Mexico, like women writers the world over, and perhaps I should say all writers the world over, work against a background of many real and potential threats to their freedom of expression. I have written in the …

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Mujer que sabe latín (Español)

Las escritoras en México, como las escritoras en todo el mundo, y tal vez mejor dicho, como todos los escritores en todo el mundo, trabajan contra un fondo de muchas amenazas, potenciales y actuales, contra su libertad de expresión. En …

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