Izzy Roberts-Orr


The women with the sad eyes are usually the sexiest. New moons rolling around in their heads. Big dumb pools you can dive into. The moon doesn’t speak much, so you can project your longings onto her. Try picking her …

Posted in 106: OPEN | Tagged

imbibed aubade

stepping out with all the serenity of an electric-ended possum pelt, standing in the shock of sun coat coursing with energy, eyes turned to the pale face of morning. I look the day’s debut up and down slide my snout …

Posted in 96: NO THEME IX | Tagged

Selkie (after Izzy Roberts-Orr)

Posted in 83: MATHEMATICS | Tagged ,


You take me to see the seals spinning sleek and fast like windchimes. Tell me the myth of the selkie, the women who pour out of the sea like molten lava. Dragging their skins behind them, staying on shore only …

Posted in 83: MATHEMATICS | Tagged


I have been trying to mine you, but you are not a quarry. You tell me there is nothing in you but coal seams beneath the surface that might burn for millions of years if lit. Throw away the halogens …

Posted in 74: NO THEME V | Tagged