Carolyn Abbs

Cats Like Plain Crisps

She puts on her denim apron, opens the door of a new small fridge; a half-bottle of red wobbles on the top. She unpacks her shopping: slab of cheddar, butter, olives, salmon wrapped in paper, places them on the clean …

Posted in 112: TREAT | Tagged

Mona Lisa

The sheep are grazing on the Downs; one stops for me to photograph it. Close up an earthy smell of dung, and black eyes stare at me alert. It turns with a quick skip and trots off: a woolly behind …

Posted in 79: EKPHRASTIC | Tagged

Surely Someone

‘Tenement Building’ (black & white photograph), Chris Kilip, Tate Britain, 2014. you view the house from across the street part of a terrace it fills the frame the roof is cut off no sky dim light upstairs a balcony door …

Posted in 66: OBSOLETE | Tagged

Postcard to a Sibling

‘my love letter to the planet’, Sebastião Salgado, Genesis, Natural History Museum, 2013. i. I perused the shimmering images of Salgado, chiaroscuro palettes of black and white: penguins cormorants whales sea lions, volcanoes the Antarctic glaciers of Alaska… afterwards, I …

Posted in 61: NO THEME III | Tagged