Carolyn Abbs

Carolyn Abbs’s collection The Tiny Museums is published with UWAP, 2017, and Highly Commended in the Dorothy Hewett Award. Her poems appear in the Anthology of Australian Prose Poetry, ABR, Australian Poetry Journal, Axon, Best Australian Poems 2014, Cordite, Westerly and other places.

Cats Like Plain Crisps

She puts on her denim apron, opens the door of a new small fridge; a half-bottle of red wobbles on the top. She unpacks her shopping: slab of cheddar, butter, olives, salmon wrapped in paper, places them on the clean …

Posted in 112: TREAT | Tagged

Mona Lisa

The sheep are grazing on the Downs; one stops for me to photograph it. Close up an earthy smell of dung, and black eyes stare at me alert. It turns with a quick skip and trots off: a woolly behind …

Posted in 79: EKPHRASTIC | Tagged

Surely Someone

‘Tenement Building’ (black & white photograph), Chris Kilip, Tate Britain, 2014. you view the house from across the street part of a terrace it fills the frame the roof is cut off no sky dim light upstairs a balcony door …

Posted in 66: OBSOLETE | Tagged

Postcard to a Sibling

‘my love letter to the planet’, Sebastião Salgado, Genesis, Natural History Museum, 2013. i. I perused the shimmering images of Salgado, chiaroscuro palettes of black and white: penguins cormorants whales sea lions, volcanoes the Antarctic glaciers of Alaska… afterwards, I …

Posted in 61: NO THEME III | Tagged