Amanda Anastasi

7 Monostich

One painting is removed. The room changes shape. In the dim light, an inverted chord. The false word has been omitted. Your absence. Protracting hooks. Several times a day, we shut the blind on ourselves. Another sentence is made soft …

Posted in 115: SPACE | Tagged

Suburban Deer

Deer Park in Melbourne’s outer west, 1990 Mediterranean columns against brown brick. Kids squabble about whose turn it is to hide in their game. Careful gardens. Pebbled strips. A terracotta-skinned girl carrying colour pencils in a Barbie case, skipping past …

Posted in 84: SUBURBIA | Tagged

Review Short: Amanda Anastasi and Robbie Coburn’s The Silences

These 41 pages from a revived Eaglemont Press (once run by the late, revered Melbourne poet, Shelton Lea) contain the first collections (or first half-collections) of Lea’s much younger fellow-Melbournians, Amanda Anastasi and Robbie Coburn. It’s analogous to two good friends buying a very small inner-city flat to get a toe-hold in the daunting real estate market of that city. Bigger things are sure to come later.

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The First Moments of His Absence:

A radio tuned to static after Mahler. A curtain opened to a suddenly blank scenery. The remaining stalk after the dandelion blow. The thick silence after a confession. A vital wire removed pre-explosion. The hollow letterbox: a cubic sneer. Eighty-eight …

Posted in 72: THE END | Tagged


So far, my name has been left off the inflection of your question as though it were a ticking meter, inescapable and kept to the last second; your fingers were like shifting clock hands your eyes opaque bottle tops on …

Posted in 52: INTERLOCUTOR | Tagged