
By | 1 August 2015

A monk told me about how Niels Bohr
used Hokusai’s One Hundred Views
of Mount Fuji
to explain the notion
of complementarity. The different lights …
that only together did they give the full
and impressive picture
, the physicist
was reported as saying, all angles
adding to the fullness of perspective.
An electron not just a particle but also
a wave; the men we were not distinct
from the men we are – the reality
complex, the knowledge no less erotic,
the truth non-finite and momentous.
We are the same. We are different,
with saggier middles and deeper lines.
We are the ever-changing. If repulsion
sets in, this becomes a symptom
of a limited imagination. Think about it:
the body not an accretion of atoms
but a long wave connecting with more
waves to form an ocean, a flickering
orgy of unbounded energy. No longer I
but we are more than a sum of lives,
the banalities of dying. All light
to all dark. All breath and exhalation.
We are touching. We are moving apart.
We are a part of each other. Or we die
and are reborn as one another: the truth
so unprofound we forget it wholeheartedly.
We fall and rise. In the bigger picture,
the movement so unspectacular,
language becomes unnecessary
when love is no longer duality and time
disappears between a laugh and a final moan.

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