Looking for Hot GAM

By | 1 November 2018

Looking for hot GAM, 37 degrees Celsius
neither feverish nor cold-blooded
well below boiling but able to melt
ice. Not averse to skin, his own colour
nor jealous of body fur or the large
strange builds of other races. Me, I’m
turned on by brawny intelligence, defined
sensibility, buff in both ways. We could
go for long knocks on the brain, sip
piña coladas or something more
apropos. Lapsang souchong, baby.
Did you avoid an Asian mother
complex (not hot)? Can you object-
ify yourself ironically? Can you laugh
like me about pulling faces in the mirror
Am I handsome?’ Not to say I wouldn’t
date other races. This is just desire in
flux: settled, embedded, illusory. I’m
lately distant from the shared gay hobby
of temptation and lust but recalling
past fantasies, I’m game for a certain
toughness, square jaw, the tensility
of how the skin holds together, tight
what it encloses, remember chase
and capture sweet as lotus seed
paste. Then I’m ground and radared,
squirted and selfied, grindred and
gaydared, classified with private pictures
unlocked. Interested? Face photo
(not the dick pic), stats, tell me a
secret … not that one, too obvious. My heart,
stinking with pride, hot with reflection,
I offer in return.

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