Song of Tebrau | Senandung Tebrau

By and | 31 October 2020

Straits of Tebrau
I crossed you
looking for a friend
long unseen
because you are a witness
to an old story
when we used to love
fusing affection with faithful promises.

But …
Why now the lack of feelings
and warmth
when we’re together?

Even so
lips part with a smile
the heart is suspicious.
Hands wave with affection
But with feelings divided,
filling each word with a thousand meanings
filling every step with a thousand cares.
hands clasp tightly against a grip so cold.

Is all this …
because we used to
disappoint and fail in a love
sore, a wound full of pus
is doubt
unrelenting and dissatisfied
that we together
are friends loyal
to our ideals.

Straits of Tebrau
our love
never reached its peak
we are still tied
by bonds of friendship
that fortifies us
in the face of a turbulent world.

enemies looking for conflict
nemeses seeking destruction.

Straits of Tebrau
can we strengthen the bond
of love and trust
in the coming days
as a close friend
in a world achurn with uncertainty?

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