Sunday Rag

By | 3 December 2008

Four thirty coal trains bump and grind/ papers on the lawn at five/ bees on blue early/ empty schooner glasses one drink from the pub/ breeze through the window/ scattering bark across/ kept out by glass/spiky coffee that sticks/ old Bob Marley washing up/ to the radio all background bullshit/ fridge door, fridge door/ watching gold dragons flutter on flags/ wind chimes tangle in branches/ grass through graves/ doof doof on the freeway/neighbours fighting/ she says, 'you're never sorry for what you do'/ do we call him Evan to his face or as she calls him, arsehole?/ bees trapped inside a screened window frantic/ jar full of water like a stream/ snip snip secateurs through wisteria/ on the side of the road/ the car a flat tyre/ red sequins on the noses of deer/ swimming out beyond breaking waves/ in dappled blue water/swimming other people/ me backstroke you crawling towards me/ hot car sand in my cozzies/ beers of an old afternoon/ legs laden with pollen/ /sirens chasing cars driving through red lights/ the rise of noise at the pub/ maybe we need a dvd for tonight?/ wheeze of train doors closing on another day/ deers in headlights on TV/ sail away for a year and a day.


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