Techno and Hall Passes

By | 1 September 2024

Layered kicks one
with high pass filter
slapping one
with low pass filter
Bass syncopated
Saturated, running
Into next bar, tappy little
speed rims, touch of

Anna Torv lips pursed oversized button up.

Soft cymbals panned,
reversed with a whip-sharp
clap reverb
eight bars of high hat
coming in, phaser
subtle, boosted air
lifting and cutting through the
weight of

Zan Rowe sultry voice saying that’s fucked.

Build-up of snares
Snapping and rolling into
Break down, a deepening
atmosphere, delays
on gritty synths, notes
lingering, last beats
spilling out, feathering
into white noise and
whispers of

Anna and Zan cradling wines wall seat dive bar.

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