Conventional Semantics

By | 2 February 2001

The symposium entitled Why a Machine Can Write Better than You, and Does,
wasn’t nearly as popular as Flamethrowers: Is There One in Your Future?, and
neither could hold a candle to Guppies in the Kitchen: A Normative Reading. The
preponderance of jaded gardeners at Low-Maintenance Gravel: Future’s Flower was
nearly equalled by the architects-on-the-lam lining up for Mobile Home Architecture.
Your revised schedule included two hours of Fortune Cookies Deconstructed, after
which the scent of lemons met you at every intersection. Meanwhile, unbeknownst
to organiser and organised alike, the Norwegian Contingent was ready to strike,
paint fjords on the least of the leftover nightstands. Your miniature camera, hidden
in a much larger camera, clicks twice on their coastal waters, at once deliberate and

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