
By | 1 December 2022

And Sunday sinks its heathen summers into the kneecaps of the expropriate wicked /

kain na tayo! / having genuflected hours for a piece of motherfucking bread

isang bagsak, anak! the concrete moves you!

marking devotions this morning to chismis / the auspices of the Gran

Pasista Almighty / fat fist forcefield burrowing achilles’ kili-kili /

and the golden deluge let loose in the just-clean toilet of the parishioners’ office

next to church


a practice of bad descendantry with guarantees of holy sustenance / compass set

for slurpees and cardinal direction in the ravenous I of the beholder / imbibe

blue juice for brainfreeze / and graduate cousins in the crypto-mythology of paying for shit

with hypothesis / sticky finger anointment / a rising sea level washing

the dirt-dream dendrology of juvenile tortures on scabskin

isang bagsak, iha!


the New Flotilla / ravaging the virgin aisles of Teks and Go-Lo / for a new piece

of shiny / new piece of dollarstore ass / new peace of gestational minute /

for bone-deep highway brains riding rodeo reptilian into a memory of may dila / bankrolling

the covenant into a communism of white conyos / white canticles

white love / of ancestral injunctions on reverence after life lived in the violence

of an easy televangelism / we umutot on the Vatican! / we are pilgrims to the Maccas

and two-dollar chook neck nuggets / cheap as chicken shit / as chipped china imports

adorning the cabinets of migrante pantheons and speakeasy delirium

isang bagsak, ate!

Do you think when he said you have your grandfather’s mouth that he meant

he wanted to / you know / at least we will have something to sin about /

in the bright-beam tinnitus of an open confessional / empty hymnals rehearsing

antiphony karaokes / anathema algorithm to the tune of Mother Mariah

out the stereo with fanta sweat and ballad baptisms

isang bagsak, kapwa! how the humid moves you!

an islandry of miss pilipinas blockading the streets on streets of mini malls of Asia /

brandishing new haymarket chanel / op-shop imitations / & proliferative degrees

of sacred separation / famous uncles brothers cousins stepson’s best

friend’s daughter / gracing the call list of b-grade teledramas / parallel kinships

with the celebritied / your incidental earthquakes / 7,641 islands / your kinship

of global atoms / you balikbayan boxes / you recycled recipes / you transnational

pageantries / fried fish filipiniana / kare kare & KFC / to grow strong / to gestate

isang bagsak, bunso!

one of you farted! / I could smell it /

white husband white wife procession trumpeting the second coming with Glen 20

here, let me convert you

Sit still and pray hard, children!

The spirit behoves you!

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