Suggestions for a Girls’ School Curriculum

By | 24 July 2007

It should be taught how
not to choose your lovers.

Lesson number one:
beware of men who go days
without kissing you with their tongue,
saying they have intimacy problems.
Then they kiss you for hours,
wounding your lips,
wearing them out,
wearing themselves out,
still kissing you,
clutching at your lips as though
they are their mothers' nipples.

Lesson number two:
beware of men wounded by their mothers,
talking to you about it
for many many nocturnal hours
even when your head falls off your shoulders,
when the whites of your eyes leak
from underneath your shut eyelids,
when your ears dry up and flake off.

Lesson number three:
If you've already made the mistake,
introduce them to your own mother
and watch what unfolds next.

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