
By | 1 February 2020

They say the world is teetering on a point

we’re tipping

as an aurora rinses the sky

penguins waddle across the Titanic’s downfall

i remember in the movie we watched on the plane

my heart beat fast

first to die were the boiler room shitkickers

shovelling coal fast into the teeth

of the giant engine room

but they’re only the seen ones …

not the arctic indigenous tribes

that the scientist talked about

(they fascinated us)

who tried to visit ancestors graves

instead got trapped by melting ice

light hanging onto the rim of the earth

like a saucer

a perpendicular egg caul

while on the other side

Rinehart and Morrison snorting coke in the same glitzy ballroom toilet

that last line was designed

to plunge a needle into the veined aquifer

and extract liquid power

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