Bush Mary Suite

By | 1 February 2019

Where Have the Bush Marys gone?

I will no longer hide
The truth of the Bush Mary’s
She is the non virgin
Used by the carnal

She is her body
She is her blood
She has no voice
She comes out of the Bush
She comes out of the Dark
She comes out of the light
She returns to the dark

She is the Mother of the Bush
She is the Holy Ghost.

When Are the Bush Marys Coming?

Mary scrubs and cleans
Till her hands crack n bleed
Mary wants for nothing
Just perhaps a good feed
Mary hears the sound of the Whiteman’s whistle
Mary scrubs and cleans
Whilst trying not to bristle
Mary has been called
To stop work
To clock off
Mary scrubs and cleans
Till the shines so brite
Oh no is that the sun setting?
Mary prays to Mother Mary
‘Please get me thru another nite’?

The Ghost of the Bush Marys

The ghost of the Bush Mary’s
Like playing cards
These Bush Mary’s gave birth
To honouring the devine
Oh Mother Earth.

The women told the men
We gathered we
Young Mary first told Magdelene
Mary said He is risen!

3 Aboriginal women came
They took nothing
Strung coolamons
They left, bearing gifts

Woman carrying children
Honouring the divine
Fertility spirit
She is into Earth and
Marking older plains …

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