sue tameS MY BROTHER

By | 1 October 2010

sue tames my Brother for his media appearance
my Brother never appears on media as much of
what he knows is acquaintance-historic & accidental.
a good hero in black he never wears black at home
as home is a place was never the broken home
he wanted to come from; only the suits make him sweat
I came to understand his song the “ma ma ma ma ma
de ma ma ma el em land de ma ma ma ma mi madre dice que
la la la la la la sin un hogar negro nunca en Rocky costa nacimos
sumergido en el agua de los demás”
even though I did not speak « no hablo espanol » &
I can’t stand the thought of us growing cold together in Hobart
I never understood my brother’s need to push it push it
in the major key ’”cause I can’t stand no swelter”
we shared mulled breast milk in this swelter that
he mentions; together the chance to go swimming
before appearing on TV, on a stone sucking in salt water
we flee the heat by jumping in, without asking how many times
he has rhymed the reason I’m fleeing with the buzz of our “being”
by which I think he means the method in our
post-translation “up-brining” / sue tames my Brother
when I dive into the ocean as his song surrounds me
like total water and “get off me” but sue has ha tamed him
so he’s no longer rough-like

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