
By | 31 October 2021

(Neomarica gracilis, Walking iris, Apostle plant)

Rhythm’s afoot. My fingers step to earth.
They put down roots. They stamp and stamp their whorls.

Worms lay down routes: a red stampede: air whirls.
The sun, another plantigrade, treads heat.

The sun, another plantigrade, spreads heat:
I raise a dozen incandescent masks.

Abuzz, I lower incandescent masks,
I blow faces, ephemeral but famed

bright-blue faces. Perennial and famed,
my fingertips tingle with certainty.

My fingertips tingle with certainty:
I turn and turn twelve diminutive selves.

I turn and turn twelve diminutive selves.
Rhythm’s afoot. My fingers step to earth.

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