Blue Is All

By | 29 August 2024

today when the sky wraps around us as blue as memory today when the world is so big
and continues to spin today when the b
irds stutter before beginning their song today when
the trees look too tall st
anding at attention today when you plant a seed into the ground you
remember that plants store memories mostly for survival as they escape the hunger of youth
recalling what to do in a drought and which way to point at
noon when the sun is high in the sky
and the world continues to spin you ask what the seed
is learning today only just buried still
settling into this soft home the hands that planted it could’ve been from a human or a possum
or it is possible that the seed can’t tell whether it is a hand at all that it
feels like a bird’s beak
storing its food over
the winter but of course the seed can tell that it is not winter the earth
is much too warm the seed can tell that it has
rained this week because the soil does not resist
against new sprouts the hands don’t matter in the end though you hope the plant remembers you
months later when you feel how glossy its new leaves are when you pick the first ripe berry

when the world is still so big when care is all we have and all we owe and the sky
feels closer to us

blue as stutter and hunger,
I feel winter rain,
again, the world is all.

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