Korean Grocer

By | 13 May 2024

I can sit here forever in the coffee shop beside the Korean Grocer
watching Brunswick St as the lights come on like in Hyper-reactive
(the award-winning poem by Melody Paloma) feeling like cardboard in the rain
…it won’t last! yells a toddler chasing her father down the footpath
or that’s what I think she says. Fitzroy: where your clothes scream
more-than-just-a-creative, but your tea leaves spell INHERITED WEALTH
I stop to see my reflection in the shop window as I try to accept
the person I have become underneath all this hair which trails
after me a lag of long exposure to a bench around the corner
like the misshapen heart the barista gave my coffee
someone’s lost keys empty pallets a random pantofle
this skip in the laneway someone has tagged incoherently
with a waterproof posca pen: around me things change
like shifting sheets of ice in a David Attenborough documentary
bread left out for birds swells & dissolves like the news
it tastes a little different than the day before — or do I just
want it to? on Instagram I see a tattoo that says NOTHING LASTS
in bright rainbow colours — the bench too wet to sit on
(it’s still drizzling) which reminds me of something my dad
once said to me in a flash storm: that heavy rain never lasts long
anyway I enjoy my soggy donut

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