Stephen Edgar

Stephen Edgar is the author of ten collections of poetry, the most recent of which is Exhibits of the Sun, shortlisted for the 2015 Prime Minister's Literary Awards. His previous book, Eldershaw, was shortlisted for the 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Awards. His new and selected poems, titled The Red Sea, was published in the US by Baskerville in 2012. He was awarded the Philip Hodgins Memorial Medal in 2006.

Touch Screen

And like a scene in which the primitive Enters the house and hardly comprehends The way the masters live, So do the first two days of ours unfold. We look around wide-eyed, Housesitting an apartment for some friends In all …

Posted in 80: NO THEME VI | Tagged

Cape Cod Quartet

One And seated on the step, eyes closed, he bends Towards the dead grass that obscures his feet, And sullenly extends His right-hand fingertips, while with complete Indifference to his presence there, She stands and leans before the wall And …

Posted in 79: EKPHRASTIC | Tagged

Stephen Edgar Launches Jakob Ziguras

Chains of SnowFrom time to time, a genuinely exciting poetry discovery arrives – I was going to say in the letterbox, but more usually now in the email inbox. So it was when Jakob Ziguras first sent me some of his poems, nearly two years ago now. He told me that he had been writing for some fifteen years but had made few attempts to publish his work. I could hardly reconcile the second fact with the first. It was immediately apparent, when I began to read what he had sent me, that I was not dealing with a mere beginner. Here was someone who had not only pretty well mastered the technical skills of formal verse but could employ them – and this does not always follow – to compose poetry. He was already writing with authority and a clearly individual voice.

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Review Short: Paul Hetherington’s Six Different Windows

As the title of Paul Hetherington’s compelling and richly imagined new collection suggests, and the six sections confirm, Six Different Windows offers an array of contrasting perspectives on experience. Six framed visions: all of them to some extent haunted, or tainted.

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