Ross Jackson

Ross Jackson is a retired teacher living in Perth. He has had poetry published locally and interstate in journals and on websites. Some poems have attracted commendation. Much of the subject matter of his poetry could be considered quotidian. Isolated figures in a suburban landscape often feature in his work.

An old woman remembers

her four husbands, each man a puzzle beetroot stains on his pale grey jacket an obvious clue on the first date not to engage with the man who became The first husband should have withdrawn from Man number two when …

Posted in 83: MATHEMATICS | Tagged

Here in Daylight

a continuous outdoor room cloud lines the ceiling you move around unpainted walls of air no proportions to ignore though the room contains daylight you cannot switch on flower colours, or turn on greenery there are no flavours to taste …

Posted in 75: FUTURE MACHINES | Tagged

In the Ear of the Journeyman

minus this workload established status is a mirage but with a daily ten kilometres up and down gravel maybe you’re on track to maintain a spot in the squad if you don’t expire sometime soon granted it’s a lot to …

Posted in 71: TOIL | Tagged

Latte at the Edge of the Indian

No one trawls in this morning’s surly, barely purling, grey foot wash; only the toys of coddled children drag in sand beneath a breakfast tabletop. Between you and the gloss of plate glass telescopic zoom there’s a slipway, silver to …

Posted in 59: GONDWANALAND | Tagged