Luoyang Chen

Luoyang Chen was born in Fujian, China. He came to Australia in 2016. Luoyang writes poetry. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Cordite Poetry Review, Rabbit, Portside Review, Farrago, Meraki, and Opal Literary. He is currently living in Whadjuk Noongar boodjar (Perth, Western Australia).

The Moon Poem

for Norman Erikson Pasaribu on the overpass in the sizzling heat, looming a moon bridging two worlds not having a ‘I’ for a ‘also’ in my keeping, comes an attempt I use to render an evening liminal encircling in the …

Posted in 111: BABY | Tagged

No Cinematic Act Could Counterfeit

Confession flooded out that summer, the season of typhoons recorded in news, in memory, in that sweat-soaked scent and taste of your body, in my tongue. My mother and aunty snapped and slapped me though neither remember to this date …

Posted in 110: POP | Tagged

I Find the Cosmic Tree

Through the tunnelling of worms Rain sweats its fermented gold Tipsiness kicks in I am here, next to the Cosmic Tree On the street, I pick up a bunch of Geraldton wax, three words in my mind Recuring: disruptive, child-like, …

Posted in 109: NO THEME 12 | Tagged


for Dechen Khadro 落叶风吹随河流 提壶温酒醉人意 影现仙鹤丛中 一跃 数不清丝绸、忧愁 眼/演 化为 字/自 Fallen leaves, wind-blown, following river, flow Raising flagon, warm wine, wish mesmerised In the woods, looms the divine crane, leaps Uncountable silk, gloom Eye/acting Turns into Word/self

Posted in 106: OPEN | Tagged


this is what is what is what this is this what is is this what is what what is what this what is we have we have this this we have this this we have this have this we

Posted in 102: GAME | Tagged

Skin Pain

Do you want it — my Skin? You can have it. I peel it off for you. It’s free. I am voluntary. I dress you with my skin. To ensure that it doesn’t fall off, I sew my skin over …

Posted in 100: BROWNFACE | Tagged