Paulo Huirimilla

Paulo Huirimilla was born on the island of Calbuco, Chile, in 1973. Widely published and anthologised, his poems have been translated into Catalán, Dutch, English, Galician and German. His books include El ojo de vidrio (Editorial Kultrún, 2001), Canto para niños de Chile (Ulmapu Ediciones, 2005) and Palimpsesto (LOM, 2005), and he is the editor of the anthology Cantos de guerrero (LOM, 2012). He has also written various essays on Huilliche culture and poetics. Huirimilla works as a supervisor of Indigenous language (Mapudungun) education, and as a lecturer in arts education at La Universidad de Los Lagos, Puerto Montt.

4 Juan Paulo Huirimilla Oyarzo Translations by Stuart Cooke

Regarding the 4 Sonnets of the Apocalypse

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