Geraldine Burrowes

Geraldine Burrowes’s poems have appeared recently in Plumwood Mountain, Rabbit, Otoliths, Cordite, and Southerly. Another, just accepted, is forthcoming in The Age. She received a Highly Commended in the 2011 Geelong Writers Poetry Competition, and a Commended in 2013. She is also a visual artist.

where are the gifts of space once in the twinkle of a good teacher

rogue thoughts everywhere split the second to contain mid-air changes excessive rotation feet in wrong shoes a bumblingstumble toe-twist in plastic missing the depth of turf a disconcerting inflammation of concentration sets in you have to lean in to hear …

Posted in 64: CONSTRAINT | Tagged

nest nattering

nonchalant cracks and kinks in the orders of pecking we wear all our lovers away to find ourselves up at night talkback minim and crotchety deadpan timpani pineapple sharp then a soft-clothed-earth parlance meditative holding enfolding learning to draw all …

Posted in 59: GONDWANALAND | Tagged