David Wagoner

David Wagoner has published 18 books of poems, most recently A Map of the Night (University of Illinois Press, 2008), and Copper Canyon Press will publish; his 19th, After the Point of No Return, in 2012. He has also published ten novels, one of which, The Escape Artist, was made into a movie by Francis Ford Coppola. He won the Lilly Prize in 1991, six yearly prizes from Poetry, and the Arthur Rense Prize for Poetry from the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 2011. He was a chancellor the Academy of American Poets for 23 years. He edited Poetry Northwest from 1966 to 2002, and he is professor emeritus of English at the University of Washington. He teaches at the low‐residency MFA program of the Whidbey Island Writers Workshop.

Sound, Rhythm and Meaning: A Pacific Northwest Chapbook Curated by David Wagoner

American poetry has never been more diverse in form, content, and intention than it is today. All imaginable styles and mannerisms are being made use of and show up in literary journals, and there are more of those outlets than ever before, not counting the numerous new online magazines.

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A Round for the Muses

To draw, you must close your eyes, Picasso said, and sing, and our composers must open them and hear new colors, and our dancing playwrights must see and taste the music of storytellers and gather shapes and shadows to be …

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