Carolyn van Langenberg

Carolyn van Langenberg is the author of the trilogy of novels (fish lips, the teetotaller's wake and blue moon) and a jejeune discontinuous novel called Sibyl's Stories. She Hawke and I published a book of poetry, tender muse, a couple of years ago with Picaro Press. I have also published in Fires Rumoured about the City, edited by Christopher Kelen, ASM, Macua; shearsman, soft blow and several other on-line zines.

Speedy Syntax

the crescent curve of his back when flame touches skin stitching sinners he peeled back the sheet and slid his hands with the speedy syntax of channel surfing. Recommended temperature should not exceed 42 degrees. the time we got the …

Posted in 36: MADE | Tagged


in the yoga class, breathing Ardha Padmasana, my rusted shoulders don't florally grace half lotus green thumbs agree Dan's brittle lemon tree can't resist superannuants bracing the Wall Street crisis and stiff winds crossed legs unlatch reluctant joints I bend …

Posted in 35: CUSTOM | Tagged

Painting Rain

For Yuko Matsuzawa       silence in splash deft brush fine deepening the rib of light in the language of touch silk spins wet her loop of mind classical she is painting rain

Posted in 28: INNOCENCE | Tagged

Fury, a portrait

(for MF and all the others) She is the woman no one wants to see The fingered daughter with rage boiling in her Body flinging pain at all the letters She taps across the computer screen From left to right. …

Posted in 25: COMMON WEALTH | Tagged