3 Amir Hamzah Translations

By | 1 October 2020

Falling Down Again

If I am in you
And you in me
Can I be but a slave
To you, the master?

We’re different beings, you and I.
You, sovereign omnipotent
And essence of celestial light,
Are yet a verdant tree sheltering the world.

Beneath your spreading shade
I stop, and spend the day
Finding solace for my heart
In the shadows of your play.

Now, led by your radiant light
I ascend an ethereal stairway
Where heavenly lutes enchant my ears
And inspire a dance in my heart.

Then a candle’s glow appears below
And crowds of magnolias merrily waving.
My worldly heart leaps up;
Turning, back down I go.

Turun Kembali

Kalau aku dalam engkau
Dan engkau dalam aku
Adakah begini jadinya
Aku hamba engkau penghulu?

Aku dan engkau berlainan
Engkau raja, maharaya
Cahaya halus tinggi mengawang
Pohon rindang menaung dunia

Di bawah teduh engkau kembangkan
Aku berhenti memati hari
Pada bayang engkau mainkan
Aku melipur meriang hati

Diterangi cahaya engkau sinarkan
Aku menaiki tangga mengawan
Kecapi firdusi melena telinga
Menyentuh gambuh dalam hatiku

Terlihat ke bawah,
Kandil kemerlap
Melambai cempaka ramai tertawa
Hati duniawi melambung tinggi
Berpaling aku turun kembali.

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