Winds of Change

1 February 2013

from the series Amphoteric Poems


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About Nicholas Komodore

Nicholas Komodore is a Greek poet, filmmaker, photographer and self-taught architect. In 2011, he founded Mayakov+sky Platform, an anarchist/autonomist collaborative framework on poetics and architecture. His poems/compositions and work from the Platform have been published in Armed Cell, Textsound, Tripwire, Left Curve, Lana Turner, and the anthologies It's night in San Francisco but it's sunny in Oakland and Greek Avant-garde Poetry (Big Bridge, issue 19). Collaborations from Mayakov+sky Platform include legendary dancer/choreographer Anna Halprin, dance artist Margit Galanter, poets Heidi Tomoe, alex cruse, Lara Durback, Ektor Kaknavatos, Alberto Tinoco Duran and Brian Ang, visual artists Eliza Alexandropoulou and Christina Kamma, composers Bill Noertker, Kevin CK Lo and Dusan Chae and experimental projects Inverz, B.R.A.C. and Raspberry Fields.

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