watch you until i’m perfect in my wanting / hot tboy summer

By | 1 September 2024

i. how do you want to see me?
with my head to one side or laughing or with my eyes closed or gasping
i wish i looked like that guy in that movie. i say this religiously
nothing pierces more in me than that want to tilt my head
and have it look like when he does
chin scar. i have something similar from a scooter crash as a kid
you can see it in the right light when i lick my skin and pull my lips tight
i want to move so fluid like water over you.
think of his hand on my lower back. not him
but a dream of him. pull me out of my december dreaming. cut my hair. nothing changes
this deep ocean aching is so harsh and cracks my skin

ii. we were so fucked up
on the glow stick necklace he had me fasten for him
and the way i touched the back of his neck where it met his hair
as if i’d known him before now
before the mosquitoes found their way inside
and january yawned into darkness. i cut my shorts and put
mascara above my lip to feel more man, and somehow it worked
i can’t forget that tug on my shirt, stubble.
no bitter taste. only warm and wet
i want to dance with somebody in my head all night
like a moth beating against the glass door to be let in

iii. something sulking about late summer
like a body slipping over river rocks
i wish i was a harmonica, a pleasant whining, a cherished hum
feel me pressed against your mouth like the unhampered
heartbeat of the west, like the sun sliding across the desert,
like a tongue. it seems as though february is always
begging me for something rich and heavy
pockets full of smooth stones
to be stripped of his t-shirt and flung off something high over water
a momentary cotton angel lit by the sky
such a bright blue, he feels
stark in comparison. i am
never going to be anything as sainted
so i just watch you
until i’m perfect in my wanting

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