By | 1 September 2024

We cruised down the river at night.
The safety neon vest tightened around our chests.
We were in search of light deep in the waterway
thickened with the roots of mangroves

long unmoved by river’s flow. There was no
waste to this visit, the journey over distance.
Then there it was: the singular song,
out of the weave of dark and branches,

the hologram of light and leaves.
It was a sight easily mimicked in
the cities, in season of commerce
and joy. To be in the presence of fleeting

gold, in pursuit of love among fireflies,
creatures familiar with the wisdom of
flimsy wings that beat themselves
to dust, that lights up at the first

instance of loss. We paddled away from
that galaxy, our efforts drowned by a
hurtling motorboat pressed on
by the sudden, jarring click of a phone,

posting to share with an eager world
where we are, this realm of ethereal glow,
a marvel of wings into the night.

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