Dinah Roma

Dinah Roma is Full Professor of literature and creative writing at De La Salle University, Manila. An award-winning poet, she is the author of A Feast of Origins (2004), which won the Manila Critics Circle’s National Book Award for Best Poetry, Geographies of Light (2011), which contains poems from the collection that won her the third prize in the Don Carlos Palanca Awards (2007) and Naming the Ruins, part of the Asia Pacific Writing Series of Sydney-based publisher Vagabond Press. Her fellowships and honours include the Research Fellowship at the National University of Singapore Asia Research Institute (Cultural Studies Cluster), the Writing Grant for Local Culture and History from the National Book Development Board, among others. Roma has participated in literary events abroad including the Sydney Writers’ Festival, Medellin International Poetry Festival and Asia Pacific and Translators Conference.

An Oral History Project

(A tribute to martial law victims in Samar) Transitions are tricky to handle. If only a few days after were merely a habit in storytelling to render the plot more credible. So that what came first could be understood as requisite …

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