if you want a daughter and don’t mind that she’s a little off

By | 1 September 2024

Make a cage and call it ribs.
Make it of whatever you have. Wires, or animal bones.
Place inside a raspberry for the heart
and press it until the juice comes out, red.
If it’s the wrong season for raspberries, use a stone,
and below it put some kind of waiting vessel.
The head can be a rounded vase, the hair flowers.
Fold cheekbones out of paper, and polish marbles for the eyes.
She’s better off without a mouth,
but give her shells for ears, a spoon for a nose,
and use crochet hooks for fingers, so she can be useful.

Give her soft limbs of folded bedsheets and prop her up
in your window, so people will see what you have done.

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