Big picture

By | 1 September 2024

Headline is: world caves in on itself
Again — again — again
(And probably once more)

An exhausted ache with a staccato pulse
Passed back and forth with a weary smirk
Sweet as thick sweat spilling in torrents
and a buckling pain that brings you to earth

I’m going to the boundless love store
Does anybody want anything

Terrible things happen in absurdly cruel unison
The elusive moments of joy and relief feel impossible and
frankly insane when they trickle in
a finger hole chiselled crudely in the concrete sky

Everything for everyone all of the time
What else could there possibly be
How much plainer could you say it
Why else bother

Every horror spilling into every other horror
Every night the exact same nightmare
The world still spinning as if it makes any sense

Every city in the country
rich with minigolf courses that are also cocktail bars
and nowhere anyone can afford to rent
The phrase cost of living

Chloe said something or other once
About it just being one bloody thing after another
All the way to the end

Not a year to prove her wrong yet

Kiss me like the world is ending
(just in case it is)

Kiss me like the world is ending
(just in case it isn’t)

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