Midnight Cowboy

By | 23 September 2001

You do your dreaming on Greyhound buses
do all your dreaming between destinations

In the New York smog will follow you like a hangover
you'll buy a postcard to catch a view
hustle women with hard-baked skin
by asking directions to the Statue of Liberty

Why should these diamond hearted women pay for sex
when you've got Free Lunch written all over you?

the starts here aren't silver spurs
you'd better get your blonde as creamed-corn self
your white picket fence of a smile off the street corner, 'Boy',
out of the dark glimmer of a movie theatre
where your dick slips pale &#amp; limp out of some guy's hand

This is no wide open range, no B-grade western
&#amp; you are, 'Honey', B-grade all the way
just another cliche staggering through neon

A bummed cigarette, the flicked tongue
of a lighter in the palm of your hand
is the closest you'll come
to a happy ending.

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