Drawing on a range of experiences and shifts of perception—like the hardening of hands due to constant washing, or how a softened gaze tessellates the leaves of a house plant—seven 14 word poems were composed and ‘distorted’ (from the Latin distorquere—‘to twist apart’) across a disc of seven segments, obscuring the original poems while inviting unconventional reading approaches.
We recommend using one of these reading patterns:
Option A Option B
You can start with either or neither, but whatever reading pattern you choose will require being constricted to the confines of the disc. External devices (abacuses, cards, die, dictionaries, grimoires, etc.) as well as internal stimulants (preconceptions, prejudices, apprehensions, etc.) are encouraged, but not required. Methodical application of these devices will yield consistent results. It is up to the player to determine if this is preferable.
Warning: reading patterns other than Option A (including the recommended Option B) may create ocular disconcertion.