The Library of Babel

By | 15 February 2023
Brake pads squeak and a tram’s bell ring
I’m thinking about closed and open totalities
And phrases like: transcendental homelessness
To really get to the bottom of the Whitmanic subject.
You can’t help but feel that theory is just allegory.
SUCK MY DICK is scratched into this desk
A man sits at a computer tapping the screen
The image does not zoom in he taps harder
And still the pornographic image gets no closer
All he wants is to get a better view of the woman’s
Nipple. I send a message to my girlfriend explaining
The situation. I tell them that this is the purest use
Of the Internet I’ve seen in ages. I love how he
Desires the real woman that in the picture
Not the picture itself. The strawberry blonde
In the hot cowboy costume should be in the room
With us if the world was just. Oh, if God was good.
This innocence it’s like he has desire outside of
Desire itself. The attempts to bring her closer
Make me think of how I used to be
Certain of what I want
Banh Mi for lunch
Jittery from fourth coffee
Are they waiting for the tram?
I want my 3DS back
I miss puberty
When I vandalise public
Property I can never come up
With anything fun to write
I just write my initials.
I want to it take back
What I said to my Dad that
One time. His struggle relatable
Tapping away the screen constantly
He is just searching for a decent
Purpose like everyone else.
Why didn’t I just go to the coast?
And what should I cook for dinner?
There’s sardines in the pantry
I never had sardines before
And I’m never ever even
Certain of what I want

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