from Glass Action
Sulphurous gold-bearing vapor
signals the presence of copper
and gold near the mountainous crown.
Diamonds found also after the glass crackt
and some of the matter (diamonds from inside where)
pressurized carbon forms the hardest substance
(Superman does this in an early episode)
as later sand sticks to hot iron and flows
Active Geothermal Systems and Gold-Mercury Deposits
And mercury is found in local fogRecent theory of diamonds
Jupiter and Saturn awash in them
floating in liquid hydrogen-helium also
Moon sized one found in constellation CentaurusWhen, back to the laboratory,
red dusty Sulphur adhering to the glass
like wax and flew most of it away
resulting in weathered masses of clay
the famous “blue ground”
held over a candle
they flew both away
in the same heat and time
(also called the sublimate)
As ejecta including diamonds
explosively placed by volatile magmas
creates beryl & red emeralds
rarer than diamonds they
form near the surface at low pressure
instead of far below at highTo make a diamond. I Newton.
Take the whitest flint thou canst get &
beat the outside & dissolve the rest as
much as thou wilt in the white water
& when it is dissolved to clear (not to a pap)
put it into a violl and stop it close
and set in warm ashes & in 12 days
it will congeal to a hard gray
stone then increase the fire that the glass
may be red hot, let it cool & take it out
it will be like flint but polish it
and thou never sawest such a
sparkling diamond or so hardI, Newton, having been not only a witness
but also an actor of such mysteries
of Nature as the world is not worth of &
the wise men of the world do scarce believethe Vultur being upon the mountain
crys with loud voice I am
white of black & red of citrine
An honorable stone which is hidden
In the caverns of the metals
Surely I speak the truth
- 115: SPACEwith A Sometimes 114: NO THEME 13with J Toledo & C Tse 113: INVISIBLE WALLSwith A Walker & D Disney 112: TREATwith T Dearborn 111: BABYwith S Deo & L Ferney 110: POP!with Z Frost & B Jessen 109: NO THEME 12with C Maling & N Rhook 108: DEDICATIONwith L Patterson & L Garcia-Dolnik 107: LIMINALwith B Li 106: OPENwith C Lowe & J Langdon 105: NO THEME 11with E Grills & E Stewart 104: KINwith E Shiosaki 103: AMBLEwith E Gomez and S Gory 102: GAMEwith R Green and J Maxwell 101: NO THEME 10with J Kinsella and J Leanne 100: BROWNFACE with W S Dunn 99: SINGAPOREwith J Ip and A Pang 97 & 98: PROPAGANDAwith M Breeze and S Groth 96: NO THEME IXwith M Gill and J Thayil 95: EARTHwith M Takolander 94: BAYTwith Z Hashem Beck 93: PEACHwith L Van, G Mouratidis, L Toong 92: NO THEME VIIIwith C Gaskin 91: MONSTERwith N Curnow 90: AFRICAN DIASPORAwith S Umar 89: DOMESTICwith N Harkin 88: TRANSQUEERwith S Barnes and Q Eades 87: DIFFICULTwith O Schwartz & H Isemonger 86: NO THEME VIIwith L Gorton 85: PHILIPPINESwith Mookie L and S Lua 84: SUBURBIAwith L Brown and N O'Reilly 83: MATHEMATICSwith F Hile 82: LANDwith J Stuart and J Gibian 81: NEW CARIBBEANwith V Lucien 80: NO THEME VIwith J Beveridge 57.1: EKPHRASTICwith C Atherton and P Hetherington 57: CONFESSIONwith K Glastonbury 56: EXPLODE with D Disney 55.1: DALIT / INDIGENOUSwith M Chakraborty and K MacCarter 55: FUTURE MACHINES with Bella Li 54: NO THEME V with F Wright and O Sakr 53.0: THE END with P Brown 52.0: TOIL with C Jenkins 51.1: UMAMI with L Davies and Lifted Brow 51.0: TRANSTASMAN with B Cassidy 50.0: NO THEME IV with J Tranter 49.1: A BRITISH / IRISH with M Hall and S Seita 49.0: OBSOLETE with T Ryan 48.1: CANADA with K MacCarter and S Rhodes 48.0: CONSTRAINT with C Wakeling 47.0: COLLABORATION with L Armand and H Lambert 46.1: MELBOURNE with M Farrell 46.0: NO THEME III with F Plunkett 45.0: SILENCE with J Owen 44.0: GONDWANALAND with D Motion 43.1: PUMPKIN with K MacCarter 43.0: MASQUE with A Vickery 42.0: NO THEME II with G Ryan 41.1: RATBAGGERY with D Hose 41.0: TRANSPACIFIC with J Rowe and M Nardone 40.1: INDONESIA with K MacCarter 40.0: INTERLOCUTOR with L Hart 39.1: GIBBERBIRD with S Gory 39.0: JACKPOT! with S Wagan Watson 38.0: SYDNEY with A Lorange 37.1: NEBRASKA with S Whalen 37.0: NO THEME! with A Wearne 36.0: ELECTRONICA with J Jones