mirrors in coffins

By | 29 August 2024

Worried what everyone else thinks
Check your hair and makeup,
Stare a little longer for a fault
Search creases, frizz, and pigmentation
Dress down to dress up
Leave something to the imagination
You’re running out of time
Eyes on the clock,
Every beat that passes,
Your heart is trying to tell you
You’ll never be the same;
Forced to grow under the knife.

Throw a cloth over the looking glass,
Mourn the person you were,
Again and again,
As the moon rises and wanes,
Grow to your fullest,
Disappear into the darkness.
Nothing blooms all year round,
You wilt – one day, as we all do

Look at yourself.
Acknowledge how you have earned your body.
Every scar that’s faded,
Every knot in your curls,
Every bruise on your arm,
Every callous on your hand,
Accept them.
You are your Ancestors’ gift.
No one else can see your heart –
unless you cut open your chest.
You might be tempted to digress,
And mutilate your body,
For the gaze of many.
Build your perfect mask, and remember
There are no mirrors in coffins

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