Consult to me

By | 29 August 2024

repetitious tones of consulting are weekly weakening. monotonous Acknowledgments of Country in email signatures. traditional custodians must be rich, been paid that many ‘respects’.
Underwhelming paper-pushing white-guilt-projecting

‘Indigenous Stakeholder Engagement Frameworks’

bunch of white-fulla-jargon, with dot-art-for-margins. How numbingly quick they all are to forget – we are, in constant yarns with past, present and future. I’ve revised anew, consultation framework:

Consult to me, then
Step into my land
Sing out your acronym
Stake hold my hand

Consult me, then
Undress me
Find my scars
Press on them

Mark paperbark
pages on my chest
colour me in
touch me

Call me special,
Acknowledge Country,
reconcile me
–a reckoning fee.

Consult me then,
tear me apart.
Step on my skin,
call it art.

and if I bark, muzzle me,
chain me up, disgrace me
let me sleep, in the dark

help me learn,
to speak in turn
to bite my tongue
til it bleeds

and when I can’t speak
I’ll spit in your mouth
lend you my seat
console you, then

I’ll tighten your tie for you
Look in your eyes as you
               the metallic truth
in my blood


               consult to me.


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