Those old sad ballads always meant too much

By | 13 May 2024

Wallowing was scripted in
melodic minor scales
Rising strings to a chorus of
climax always made us weep.

A kiss must end in marriage
some devotion and a little love
Resulting in children (sons of course)
[never mind the gei dao]1
If it ends any other way
Miss Saigon has to die.

Confucius in your fortune cookie
Confusion in my brain.

Thank the gods our daughters now sing
many different songs

They know that Erato was the result
of mummy’s one-night stand
the heart that bruises
the breathless aches
a primal reaction to biological loss
when another limited-edition ovum

  1. Cantonese for ‘chicken coup’, the informal and pejorative term for ‘brothel’. ↩
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