
By | 13 May 2024

The experience centre was big. A warehouse.

We swept the dust.

We looked through the inventory.

What should we do?

Try to climb up someone’s Jangdokdae (sauce pot platform), take a sip of someone’s fresh water, and get drunk on someone’s mirage…

Sounds like fun.

Try to take someone’s rice out of someone’s rice bin and chew it, try to swallow someone’s spit…

Sounds scary.

Try hiding in someone’s closet, trying on someone’s robe, try to give off someone’s smell, try to cry out someone’s groan…

We are forced into a corner.

Rummaging through expired goods. We were two with one use. Entered the 1+1 experience.

Throbbing. The wave of experience.

Sticky. The flowing experience secretions.

It’s sobering. Is this the consciousness of a sub brand?

We really hit it off. It was exciting. Switch partners. Shall we fight for supremacy? Switch sexes? Become a hermaphrodite? Just once more. Try to smoke someone’s charcoal. Just once more. Try to lose someone’s mind. Shall we try to mix body fluids and reproduce? Shall we try to experience separation through telepathy?

The goods exchanging. The echo of experience spread.

Bribes getting accepted. The dust of experience kicked up.

Junk being scrapped. Collect the remnants of experience. Entered the 1×1 experience.

Electricity flowed.

The gifts, trembling. Were convulsions of experience.

We were shocked.

It was thrilling. Us, through nerves of steel. Shine light. We’re exotic. The lights of the experience centre lit up.


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