Roshan Chaudhuri

Roshan Chaudhuri is an Adivasi poet from Umarvavdur in Tapi district in Gujarat. He writes in Chaudhari-Bhili, Gujarati and Hindi. His poems, ghazals and short stories have been published in magazines and dailies. He has won awards for his short stories and ghazals at the college level. He has prepared the ethnograph of Dhodhiya Adivasis for Bhasha Research and Publication Centre, Vadodara.

વરુઓ  | The Wolves

Translated from the English to the Chaudhari-Bhili by Roshan Chaudhuri on the basis of Rupalee Burke’s Gujarati translation of the original ફંડાણે આગે રાખણેં મત્થી કામાલી ફુય, તીયણેં બડા વઅ્લે તક્તો ફેરુવતી, અંતર નેઅ્તા એખુનતામાં એય! મુરાખ, કાંય ઉગ્તઅ્ કાયની. …

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