Peter Bakowski

Peter Bakowski has been writing poetry exclusively for 32 years. On 2 February 2015, Editions Doucey of Paris published a bilingual edition of his Selected Poems entitled The Heart at 3am / Le coeur a trois heures du matin.

Lunchtime Variations: Dominic Symes Interviews Peter Bakowski and Ken Bolton

I became interested in how Ken and Peter worked with one another, with an eye to discovering the conditions which allow poetic collaborations to remain fresh and full of humour, in the same way people examine the diets of people in Blue Zones, like Okinawa and Ikaria.

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Portrait of Emma Palandra in the CBD, Melbourne, July 2018

Wearing a fake fur, her greying hair unwashed, a T2 bag at her feet, Emma sits in Self Preservation, hunched over her iPhone. She’s still thinking of phoning Eric now that the bruise below her left eye has faded. Eric …

Posted in 91: MONSTER | Tagged

A Melbourne Letter Poem to Ken Bolton, January 2015

Dear Ken, I still frequent Self Preservation. Dan is there, dressed in black, always a book on the go. He’s just finished Louis-Ferdinand Celine’s “Death on the Instalment Plan” from which he quotes— “To hell with reality! I want to …

Posted in 68: NO THEME IV | Tagged