Noémie Huttner-Koros

Noémie Huttner-Koros is a queer jewish performance-maker, writer and community organiser based between Wurundjeri and Whadjuk Noongar country. Their practice engages with sites and histories where queer culture, ecological crisis and composting occur. Noemie's writing has been published in Westerly, Best of Australian Poems 2021, Australian Poetry and Rabbit Journal and was the winner of the 2020 Venie Holmgren Environmental poetry prize.

And yet, and yet, and yet

The koolbardi-magpies on noongar boodja-country are thirsty. The water coming out of the cold tap is warm. A lonely ibis prowl outside the public library, desperate for the air conditioning, or maybe company and the blessed solitude of books. This …

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