Misbah Wolf

Misbah Wolf lives in Naarm and writes prose and short stories. Her work has been published through APJ, Mascara, Peril, Cordite, Overland, and in Solid Air, Collisions, and Contemporary Asian Australian Poets. Following on from Rooftops in Karachi is her second book Carapace by Vagabond Press published in 2022.

Kintsugi Illuminated.

I thought I had written much more meaning than I really had, and I think of Faust and pacts and graves that are opened and floor stains of blood that can never be cleaned—and all this seems possible, but I …

Posted in 107: LIMINAL | Tagged

In response to police brutality against civilians

Posted in 93: PEACH | Tagged

The Freedom Fighter

In case you die and they don’t know whose side you are on, you have an identity card that states your distinguishing features, like the mole on your neck. At night you and your friends smoke hashish and then jump …

Posted in 46: ELECTRONICA |