Michele Leggott

Michele Leggott was the inaugural New Zealand Poet Laureate 2007-09 and received the Prime Minister’s Award for Literary Achievement in Poetry in 2013. Her collections include Heartland (2014) and Mirabile Dictu (2009), both from Auckland University Press. She coordinates the New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (nzepc) with Brian Flaherty at the University of Auckland, and recently co-edited Alan Brunton’s selected poems, Beyond the Ohlala Mountains (Titus Books 2013) with Martin Edmond.


sunshine99 welcome to the holy island they ask a lot of questions and use words like apheresis and tetany on the wall a wetland scene portal into memory someone laughs and takes blood from my neck someone sings the body …

Posted in 106: OPEN | Tagged

mensa / the table

lay me on the table and remove the child whose feet walked up my belly under northern stars to kiss the fish at new year lay me on the table and remove the child born under southern stars the summer …

Posted in 71: TOIL | Tagged

The Fascicles

In darkness, redcoats marching out to the Pekapeka block. It cannot be true. But imagine for a moment it is. Two women stand almost in the same place which is the rim of an old volcano.

Posted in 69: TRANSTASMAN | Tagged

experiments (our life together)

here is my experiment with the dark we run to the top of the street and crossing it become aware of the fountain’s lip and mosaics under water pink blue hyaline we step through the foot bath yes the gold …

Posted in SIX SEATER | Tagged ,